Friday, May 12, 2006

Army Fashions

Iran's crazy president backed by an entire army of men with the same unshaved stubble.
This reminded me of the old Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein, where everyone had the Saddam mustache. And the Syrian army where everyone has the Assad mustachio.
I don't think anyone in the Israeli army is going to take up the new defense minister's mustache style.

However, it looks like the IDF is having some trouble keeping the women's pants waistlines from plunging too low. (Yahoo News couldn't resist the pun...)
I remember, way back when, I took my army skirt to a tailor to have it shortened. It looked like a potato sack originally. And there were specific rules as to how low you could go. I reckon it's time to set some new rules regarding pants. Although, what with all the bureaucracy in the army, by the time they figure something out (or redesign the pants), low-riders will be out of fashion.

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