Saturday, October 21, 2006

365 - I'm in

Noorster has started a photoblogging project in which, briefly, she posts one picture every day and has also challenged others to commit to similar projects.
Well, I accept the challenge!
I'll have to get used to carrying the camera around, but I reckon if it'll help me post more, and also learn more about photography, then why not.
I've wanted to learn more about digital photo editing and I never had the time to read about it as much as I'd like.
So let's see if I can keep this up. A whole year! wow.
First day: Boats in Junior's bubble bath.


Anonymous said...

That's a cute start :)

Mama Wombat said...

Thanks Noorster. Now I find myself looking at things and thinking, "can I get an interesting shot from this?". So far it's been lots of fun, but ask me again in a month or 10 and we'll see ;)