Monday, May 01, 2006

Don't worry be happy?

It's impossible to read the news in the last few years and not be terribly worried about the state of this planet. Being Israeli, I think I have a good understanding of how this world works, and especially the middle east. Living in a sane country like Australia gives me the chance to look at things "from the outside". And yet, even oceans away, I can never be truly disassociated from what's going on over on the other side of the world. And especially so today, when events and happenings have a truly global significance.
Iran's nuclear threats worry me a great deal. I really believe them when they say they want to wipe Israel off the map. But at some point I have to force myself to stop worrying, since there's really nothing I can do about it. And I take solace in the thought that there are people who can do something about it, and I'm pretty sure they are worried too and are doing something about it.
This interview with the former Mossad chief helps to calm my nerves a bit; just knowing that there are good, intelligent people doing their jobs.
It's a rather long interview but highly recommended reading.

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